About Feeding Needs International

Learn about our mission and our story

Our Mission

By whatever means necessary, we work to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the eyes and ears of those who have not seen and have not heard.

Acts 4:34-35 “There was not a needy person among them, for as many as were owners of lands or houses sold them and brought the proceeds of what was sold and laid it at the apostles' feet, and it was distributed to each as any had need.”

Our Story

Feeding Needs Int. was first conceived by Armon and Yvette Jorden, along with Robert Wagubi, Herbert Nasasira and Elijah Kisitu, after having living in Namuganga, Uganda for 6 months. Living in a village gave the Jorden’s a small insight into the needs of those who lived around them and the challenges they faced. With a desire to help overcome those challenges, this group began making plans to help those in the community.

Robert at his store
Herbert at school
Elijah's home
Pastor Brian preaching at a service in Uganda, May 2019

Current Ministries

Many different plans have been considered, and some attempted. We have farmed, supplied food to those in need, provided school supplies to children, and currently have 3 acres in a remote village called Mitimboje. There is not a school or evangelical church within 5 kilometers. Our hope is to one day be able plant a church and build a school on the land, but it is a very difficult process if we are to do things in a manner that honors Jesus Christ, our Lord.

While we our moving forward with those plans, we have two families that are currently benefiting from the land. Mr Charles is our security guard and farmer and Wasswa is a farmer. Both these men take care of the property and use the harvests to help those in our community.

Feeding Needs Int. is currently focused on providing pastoral training opportunities to pastors in the Mityana District of Uganda. Our first conference was in July of 2022, and was well attended. During the three day conference, we were able to minister to almost 100 different men and women who have influence in their churches.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Armon Jorden at 970-270-8778 or [email protected]

Armon in Mitimboje in January, 2022
Daniel Rojas speaking at 2022 Pastor's Conference
Armon speaking at 2022 Pastor's Conference
2022 Pastor's Conference
Meal Time at 2022 Pastor's Conference

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