Deuteronomy 6:4-7
Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.
Faith Talks

Faith Talks are a great way to connect with our children and reinforce biblical principles. Faith Talks are opportunities throughout each day for conversation about Scripture and biblical principles with your family. It is great to set aside a specific time for a family devotional, but Deuteronomy 6 challenges us to engage in faith-based conversations with our children at all times of the day. The intent is not to stop doing everything in our lives so that we can take the time to focus on Jesus, but to bring Jesus into every part of our lives. We see this as a priority because we are convinced that spiritual training takes one step at a time in the context of everyday life. While leading Faith Talks, relationship is your priority, the Bible is your handbook, and life is your classroom. For parents, Faith Talks are the primary vehicle for leading your children along the path between each milestone.